Brie and Nikki Bella celebrate Women’s History Month #BEEFEARLESS

Statistics like women make under 80 cents for every dollar men make, men dominate the labor force and, even, men win more Oscars than women are probably all things you’ve heard before. They’re hard statistics to overcome and change doesn’t happen overnight.
We’re talking about gender parity, the theme for International Women’s Day this year and a struggle that we’ve been facing for decades.
In 1972, the Equal Rights Amendment came close to creating legislation that would end the legal distinctions between men and women in terms of divorce, property, employment and more. While the proposed amendment passed Congress, it didn’t gain the necessary support in the state legislature… which leads us to this year’s Women’s History Month theme: Nevertheless she persisted.


Mother Teresa said, “I alone can’t change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create ripples.” 

“When I hear the word ‘selfless’ she always pops into my head,” said Brie. “Her gentle demeanor, her devotion and beautiful soul has always been so inspiring.”

That’s why today and for the entire month, we’re celebrating our fellow sisters. These are women who have paved the path for us and women who are working hard to create a better future for our daughters, past and present. 

“There are so many women that I honor, so many that I think of,” said Nikki. “Not just the women that I share roots with but fearless, brave women that took a stand and paved a road for every women and girl in this world.” 

We’re sharing the stories that have inspired us in hopes that they will inspire you as well. 

Join us. It’s simple.


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women who have inspired you. 


use #BEEFEARLESS and #mybirdiebee 

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Brie Bella and Mother Teresa’s Voice

“When I think of International Women’s Day, I think of so many women. Women who have used their voices so loudly — whose actions needed no words and whose beliefs touched millions of lives. It’s hard to concentrate on one woman, but there’s a woman who has always stuck out to me, Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa gave her whole life to helping those in need. When I hear the word ‘selfless’ she always pops into my head. Her gentle demeanor, her devotion and beautiful soul has always been so inspiring. I love her quote, ‘I alone can’t change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create ripples.’ Thank you, Mother Teresa, for showing me the sweeter side of mankind.”


Nikki Bella and Eleanor Roosevelt’s Book

“Today I want to honor Eleanor Roosevelt. President Truman called her the ‘First Lady of the World’ because of all her human rights achievements. I recently read her book and I just couldn't put it down. I have always admired her quotes and her history. But I never would have thought how much I could learn from her now. Her international travels and education as a child, how she raised her kids, her vocal support in the civil rights movement, how she helped working women receive better wages … and the list goes on. It made me wish I read her book many years ago but it's never too late to learn.  ‘Do one thing every day that scares,’ she said. Eleanor, thank you for these words. Not only has it helped me break barriers in a man's industry, but it has helped me find and use my voice fearlessly.” 

Who inspires you? Let us know. Share a photo on Instagram using #BEEFEARLESS and #mybirdiebee for a chance to be featured on our Instagram.